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I've a confession

Hello people who read my blog, I've a problem in school D: I don't like someone from my class. I mean, not to say that I hate that person, it's just that I dislike the actions of that person. She's gay. Not the happy-gay but as in the gay-gay. And it's not like I hate gay people, I just dislike that one person. I'm not saying any names here :P
First off, I don't like the fact that she's active. I don't hate active people, I'm active myself. I think... But it's just that her active-ness just annoys me to hell. I mean seriously, doesn't she ever get tired from all that talking and running around the whole day? Second, she's a pat po. I hate busybodies and she's no exception. She should just mind her own business -.- Thirdly, well she has a crush on this girl in my class. I mean it's so obvious that she likes that person. Even aliens from outer space can see it and also since.. ahem... They "play" together a lot in class. And I don't think I'm the only one whose obvious to her actions. But when people ask her about it, she goes all 'We're just friends.' I mean who even buys the 'we're just friends' crap nowadays? If I were her, I wouldn't believe myself either. If you like that girl than just admit it and do your groping somewhere else. Like go to a love hotel or something like that. Even Peter Chao doesn't like P.D.A -.- And if Peter Chao sees all the touching from a girl to another girl, he's gonna make a new video called 'Chinese Guy doesn't like P.D.A.L' PDAL = Public Display of Affection of a Lesbian
Please don't be mistaken that I hate lesbians. If there are lesbians reading this post. It's no biggie if you're one, you know?



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